Inner Children


Four years ago, I posted the following on Facebook: “Adulting is a fallacy. We’re all just giant kids inside. I’m finding much more success in my relationships when I keep that in mind, and I’m gentle and loving with those around me.”

I read my Timehop post (after admiring the one from two years ago with Grandpa at Food Pantry) about 6:30 am….and my post was validated before 9 am. I accidentally put Per’s new wool sweater in the dryer and shrank it to be a perfect fit for me. Per immediately shrugged and said “it happens” after I completely freaked out. And, when I felt compelled to buy him not one but THREE new sweaters to make up for the mistake, he calmly messaged me that it hadn’t been necessary to replace them.

If I’m honest with myself, my inner kid is still struggling after Grandpa’s death. Not only do I miss him, but I feel a bit anchorless. When’s the next time I’ll be in Ohio? Why aren’t I getting texts from Hospice at 4:30 am? How do I rationalize my value in this life where I am child-less and dependent-less and in a job where I’m just about as useful as tits on a bull (well, it’s getting better but that’s the brutal assessment)?

Change is constant. Cherish your inner child, and treat her well. Be kind to others, and realize that everyone else is struggling too. That’s my mantra of today, and perhaps it should be a permanent one.

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